Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year's Eve

We left Panama City early this morning to check out a place to stay at Gorgona.  It is really close to Gerald and Wanda's condo.  It turned out to be a real nice place, and we decided to take it for two months.  It has a pool and good security.  It is an eight story building that is only two years old.  There are free Spanish lessons every morning that we hope to take advantage of.  Tonight, we have been invited to a party at Gerald and Wanda's condo complex.  We have been warned by fellow Panamanians, Canadians and Americans that the New Year's celebrations in Panama are noisy, busy, and crowded.  We are to expect the celebration to extend into the wee hours of the morning and continue on the beach New Year's Day.  It sounds like the party is on!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Hoss & Crys! Happy Travels to you both! Take care, stay healthy & safe! Happy to follow your blog! Have fun!!!
