Tuesday 27 December 2011


We had an early rise to our day, 3:30 A.M. to be exact!!  Correen sent a text message around 4:00 A.M. wishing us a happy journey.  Harold drove us to the airport, wished us well and sent us on our way.

Our flight was was uneventful, except for the fellow sitting next to me.  Our seats were right at the front, and when the passenger next to me rose to go to the bathroom, he gave me a bit of a scare.  He couldn't open the bathroom door so he went over to the airplane door thinking, I guess, that was the bathroom door.  I thought he was going to try and open that door until he was redirected by another passenger to the washroom.  He used the washroom then came back and sat down.  The pilot, who is female, then went to use the same washroom but came back out immediately, and had the attendants wash it down.  She promptly came over to the passenger sitting next to me who had used the bathroom prior to her and asked if he spoke English to which he replied yes. She soundly reprimanded him about the condition he left the washroom in and that she could charge him with destroying property and that he was never to do that again.  What a weirdo!! And, I had to get stuck sitting next to him!!

We arrived in Toronto at lunchtime.  The weather was mild, absolutely no snow, but raining.  But, alas, snow finally fell mid afternoon making the day a blah, wet, mess.

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