Saturday 28 January 2012

Jaco Boat Trip

Wow! Another fantastic day in Costa Rica!!  This weather just does not stop!

We booked a boat trip for today.  What a great idea!  We had a fabulous time!  It started early this morning when a van picked us up at 8:00 to deliver us to the water taxi that drove us to our boat named Paradise... perfect name!!  They served a variety of drinks, watermelon, and pineapple during the two hour boat ride to Tortuga Island.  The boat ride was fantastic.  The breeze kept the hot Costa Rican sun at bay.  The water was calm and the young men that worked on the boat were well mannered, helpful, and genuinely enjoyed their job.  On the way there we saw red algae, a sea turtle, manta rays, bonita(tuna type fish) that were feeding, and the highlight....Dophins!!  And lots of them!!  Our captain circled a couple of times so we could get a good view.  He then dropped us off at some rocks where we could snorkel for forty-five minutes.  We saw a lot of brightly coloured fish and Hoss's eagle eyes spotted an eel, so thanks to him our party of four saw it also.

We then taxied back to the beach for a delicious picnic lunch of chicken, rice, vegetables and salad (and no skimping on the portions).  The service was prompt and gracious.  The next three hours were spent nosing around the beach, cooling off in the ocean, searching for coral, reading and snoozing.  How much better can that get when you're a sun dog, water hound and lazy pooch.

The trip back proved too much for some of the boat goers. A few people slept under deck searching for protection from the sun or covered up.  But not us, oh no, more sun please!!  The way back was relaxing with a slice of cake served up for dessert, more fruit, and of course drinks to serve the soul.  We arrived back at shore at 5:30PM.  What a day!!  This is one trip that I would indulge in again!!

Here is a picture of the boat we were on.

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