Tuesday 31 January 2012

Noisy Mawcas and Trucks

We are enjoying our very comfortable house in Tarcoles.  We have settled in and it now seems like we are living in Costa Rica as opposed to vacationing here.  Every morning we are woken up to the most horrendous racket.  The first morning we were here, I had to get up to see what the Sam H.... was going on.  It sounded like someone was banging on the outside door.  But, it was the Macaws.  They love the almonds trees in our yard, and when they are finished cracking the almond they discard the shell and it drops on the tin roof of our house and sitting area.  Then, they proceed to scream at each other in their loudest squawk.  Their screech is enough to scare the begevees out of you. (I'm not sure this is how to spell begevee, or even if it is a for real word??).  But, we are thoroughly enjoying the macaws, squawking and all.  There are about a dozen of them in this area that we have noted. 

Anyways, the semi trucks are no better.  Our house is located between the highway and the ocean.  So, if it isn't the macaws screeching, it will be the jake brakes on the large trucks..  It gets to be hysterical at times, and we do have moments of complete solitude!!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny and not sure about the spelling of begeebus either but it sure made me laugh. How in the world can something so colourful have such a bad voice - guess it is true that you can't have everything. Keep blogging Crystal - thoroughly enjoying your adventures!
