Wednesday 18 January 2012

Boquete, Panama

While staying in David, we took a side trip to a small, rural town named Boquete, nestled up in the hills.  The weather here is much cooler.  Fine mist fills the air and it rained intermittently throughout the day.  There was a huge flower festival going on and the streets were filled with vendors selling a variety of goods and cooked up food.  Many visitors from all over Panama and the world meandered throughout the town.

This is a beautiful area.  It is lush and thick with jungle.  The hills surrounding Boquete are filled with vegetables farms, and plantations growing coffee.  I can't imagine the work it would take to hack away the jungle to provide enough clear land for farming.

Many of the people here are rural and the women dress in traditional clothing.  There is a mix of new and old.

We had the opportunity to taste the local coffee at high end cafes and eat a stick of chicken with vegetables, and a wiener type sausage from a local street vendor.  Both were absolutely delicious!!

Had we known earlier, we would have been better off staying in Boquete.  There is way more to do and see, culturally and activity wise than in David.

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