Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tarcoles River Crocodiles

On our road trip to Puntarenas today we stopped to see the crocodiles in the Tarcoles River.  You are always guaranteed to see twenty of these big guys.  The other day when we stopped (and of course I didn't have my camera!!) they were all together in one section of the river.  Today, some were on one side of the bridge, while the others were on the other side.  But yes, there were twenty that I counted.  The picture I'm providing does not do justice to the size of this creatures.

To see the crocs you have to park on either side of the bridge, then walk on this very narrow sidewalk to the center of the bridge.  I'm not sure what is scarier, the walk on the sidewalk, or the crocodiles.  The highway traffic does not slow down and is only a metre away from you.  But it is worth the effort!!

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