Sunday 15 October 2023

Durnstein, Austria

Durnstein is a small town in a well known wine growing area on the Danube River. It is extemely picturesque and quaint. We loved it here!


Durnstein was first mentioned in 1192 where this castle is said to have held King Richard 1 of England captive. A few brave people walked to the castle. We would have, but I had an accident involving my foot, two days before our trip, that prevented me from wearing runners.

                                      We took a short cut through this restaurant.

We stopped and talked to this mate and discovered he was from Melville, a suburb of Perth, Australia, where our son and his beautiful family live. We are also from Melville...but in Saskatchewan, Canada,  You could have knocked me over with a feather!!


                                 Beautiful vineyards overlooking the Danube River.

                 Durnstein also has the honour system, but instead of veggies, it's wine!


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