Friday 13 October 2023

Czestochowa, Poland

 Our travels continued southwardly to the city of Czestochowa. The city is best known for the famous Pauline monastery of Jasna Gora, which is home to the Black Madonna, a shrine to the virgin Mary. Millions of pilgrims from all over the world travel here every year to see this picture and pray to it.


 As we toured this ornate church it was filled to the brim with worshippers. We filed one by one and hords of us made a loop through the church as a service was going on.

                                           Roseries hanging on the wall

The famous Black Madonna which refers to statues or paintings of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus are depicted with dark skin. The Black Madonna can be found in Catholic and Orthodox countries. Madonna statues are usually made of dark wood, or have turned darker due to aging or from candle smoke. The Black Madonna also refers to an ancient culture of African origins of humanity, representing the original mother of Earth's children. It can also refer to Mary in her struggle of her Black and brown sisters for justice.

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