Wednesday 18 October 2023

Back to Germany

 Passau, a small city in Germany, lies on the southern foothills of the Bavarian Forest, and the Austrian border at the confluence of the Danube, Inn, and Ilz rivers. The city is known as the Three Rivers City, and is overlooked by a 13th-century fortress called Veste Oberhaus. Passua was an important medievel trade and shipping center. The Inn River salt trade trade and the making of knife and sword blades were traditional occupations. A great amount of damage was done by fires in 1662 and 1680. The city was rebuilt in the Baroque fashion.

                                 Pictures from the riverboat as we arrive in Passau.

                                             The Medievel Fortress


                                            Our walk-about exploring Passau

Passau lies in a flood zone. In 2013, the water rose to a level of 12.8 meters, leaving much of the city under water. As you can see Passau has experienced several floods in the past.


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