Wednesday 29 January 2020

Walking The Rocks to Playa Las Gatas

Playa Las Gatas is the beach at the far end in Zihua Bay. To get there, we usually take a water taxi, but today we decided to walk the rocky path. Many people walk this route, so it isn't something new or novel, but it was for us. We parked by the rocks, walked the path, which was fairly easy, even in flip flops. Hoss spotted a large tarantella, but by the time I readied my camera, the furry little creature found itself a hiding spot. Quite interesting! We looked for the large spider on the return trip but it was nowhere to be found.

Pictures are: Claude, Lynne, Hoss, and a random couple from Saskatoon who joined us on the walk.

                                             Don't fall on these prickly little sea urchins!

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