Wednesday 29 January 2020

Saying Hello to New Friends, and Goodbye to Our Good Friend

Coco, the house cat, where we are staying at Villa Encantada, has adopted us! He greets us every morning, sneaks into our suite every chance he gets, sleeps on the bead, cuddles, and loves pets! We kind of like him too!

                                         Coco, the cutie!

We met Brian last week, and he plays at a beach bar every Thursday evening, so we thought we would go and listen to him and the band he plays with. I guess he is quite famous in his field and is considered an international recording artist.

                                          Brian Russell

And today we said goodbye to our good friend, Correen, as her week long visit has come too quickly to an end, but she has other adventures coming her way! See you in the spring Correen, and we'll share more travel stories!

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