Thursday 16 January 2020

Turtle Eggs

Hoss and I were sitting at our usual spot at Playa la Ropa, when we caught site of a man who was digging around in the sand very close to where we were sitting. We both guessed he was looking for turtle eggs, and sure enough he found the nest, and with his hands dug up a pailful. He told us he was relocating them(we hope). I asked him what species of turtle eggs they were, but he just replied, "turtle". The eggs were golf ball size, and the last time we saw eggs of that size it was from a mama leatherback while in Costa Rica with our boys on our motorhome trip. We had the fortunate experience of watching a female leatherback dig the hole on a glittery phosphorus Costa Rican beach, lay about 78 eggs, cover then up with her massive flippers, then head back out to the ocean. It was a magical, breath-taking night!

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