Wednesday 15 January 2020

Taco Tuesday

Claude and Lynne hosted a Taco Tuesdays at their condo. They use the shared common area outside their condo to host everyone. It's a great space! We met new people, ate delicious food, and had a very, nice time. The party was a smashing success! Thank you Claude and Lynne for the invite.

                                      Hoss and Claude chatting before all the guests arrived.

 The common area that's shared with other tenants just outside Claude and Lynn's condo. Very roomy and comfortable!

                                                      My beautiful girlfriend, Lynne!

                                           Condo friends, Jim and


 Alfonso and Nora, the Mexican couple, are the owners of this building, and who Claude and Lynne rent from. Very nice couple. They also own the hardware store across the street. The other 2 gals are condo neighbours of Claude and Lynne, Jody and

                                                                    A feast for all!

                                          Our friends Dave and Laura from Katepwa.

                                            Condo friends

                                             Jody, Alphonso, Lynne, and Nora.

                                            Claudio entertaining us!

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