Tuesday 21 January 2020

A Boat Named Laura

Through Claude, we met an American named Chuck. He captains a boat named Laura who is owned by six wealthy people from the states. He invited us to the boat which was docked at the Ixtapa Marina, and we took him up on his offer. The Laura is older, but elegant, and very comfortable. On the water it looks like a houseboat, and doesn't do well in open water. Chuck keeps her close to the shoreline when moving her from the states to Mexico. It's presently in the marina so it can be prepped for guests. Tomorrow it will be moved to Zihua Bay.

                                    One of the bedrooms. Each of the 4 bedroom has its own bathroom.

                                               Stocking up, and preparing for guests.

Our good friend, Laura, was thrilled to discover the boat we went to see had the same name as her!

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