Thursday 16 January 2020

Meet and Greet at Paty's Restaurant

Every Tuesday, there is a meet and greet upstairs at Paty's Restaurant on Playa La Ropa. We meant to attend last year, but never did, so this year we made it a priority. It's an informal gathering of various people who want to meet and connect with others. We sat with an older couple from Vancouver Island, who were so sweet. They recently married, and are very adventerous, having traveled to South East Asia exploring the sites. Through them, we met the gentleman's daughter and partner, Melissa and Roland. As it happens, Roland was originally from Melville, and his uncle is Al Benesocky, an acquaintance of ours.  The world is so small. We also met two other couples from Minnesota who we got on great with.Fun night!

                                        The newly married couple, Mary-Ellen and Warren.

                                         The sunset from upstairs at Paty's

                                          Warren's daughter, Melissa

                                      Melissa's partner, Roland, who is Al Benesocky's nephew.

                                           Dinner on the beach at Paty's.

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