Wednesday 17 February 2016

Kuta/Legion Area, Bali, Indonesia

Our first accommodations were in the community of Legion on the west side of the island.  It was a bit of a disappointment because our impression of Bali was at odds with what we actually saw.  We thought Bali would be serene, beautiful, and natural, but what we experienced was traffic, noise, and a beach full of garbage!!  We were told that the monsoon rains, which were late this year, brought garbage via the ocean from the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra.  Personally, I think some of it is also Bali garbage and the rains wash it all into the ocean.  We did see attempts of it being raked up and hauled away.

Large gates that welcome you to the beach!

 It was cloudy and rainy the first couple of days we were here.

 The water is rough on this side and great if you are a surfer!

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