Saturday 3 January 2015

Getting Organized

We spent the day getting ourselves organized.  The first order of business was to get our phone working. We then checked with luggage services on the status of Hoss's luggage, and discovered they have located it, but we now have to wait for it to be delivered.  We then took the light rapid transit into King's Crossing(redlight district of Sidney, which is also a huge backpacker/hostel area) to look for a camper van.  We hunted up and down Williams Street checking out different stores, but to no avail, none matched to what we wanted.  We then went to a car park(we call it a parkade) where a sketchy guy named Ronan worked providing parking stalls for people to buy and sell vehicles.  The only vehicle we saw for sale was a beaten up old station wagon being sold by two young lads.  Ronan, who is French, and has arms and shoulders of an ape and a brain to go with it, was absolutely useless.  He didn't know the price of gas, and he said it was a good time to buy because Australian summer was almost over, duhhh!  it only just started!!  And he gave me a bogus facebook address!  The guy is a disaster.  This place is a sham!!  We then met a young couple wanting to sell their unit so they could head out to Thailand, but it was too barebones for our liking!  So back to the internet we go where there are much better camper vans for sale!!

Here are a few pictures from our afternoon adventure!

                                         This is the front of our bed and breakfast.  The house is 100 years old.
                                         The home across the street which is similar, sold for 1.2 million!!  Crazy
                                         Expensive!!! The area we are in is called St. Peters.  It is the oldest
                                         section of Sidney.

                                           Yards are extremely small, parking is almost nill,
                                           because the houses were built in the horse and buggy days.

                                             Aussies drive on the opposite side of the road from us,
                                             and they also stand on the opposite side of the elevator!!
                                          Kings Crossing area.

                                          These birds hangout with the pigeons in the park.

                                         Lots of lanes in the Kings Crossing area of Sidney.
                                          For a redlight district it wasn't too bad.  But, it was also
                                          mid afternoon.  I'm sure the scenery changes later in the

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