Sunday 12 March 2023

Vancouver, BC

Our flight to Vancouver was uneventful, and after we landed and collected our bags, we took the hotel shuttle, booked into our room and settled in, and had a good night's sleep.

The next day we headed to airport to correct an error to a future flight without any success...oh well, sucks to be us, but no big deal. We then went for a delicious lunch, to a neat little restaurant in Richmond called "The Story Cafe". What a great little place! It has tons of character and delicious food, and the place was packed! We will keep this restaurant on our return list!

For supper we headed to "The Cactus Club Cafe", which is a favourite of ours. Our meal was great as always. We then returned to our room, for a good night's sleep, to prepare for the long journey over the Pacific Ocean to the wonderful city/country of Singapore!

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