Sunday 12 March 2023

Singapore Botanic Gardens of our most favourite places in the world! After a good night's sleep, we headed to buy transportation tickets for the MRT(mass rapid transport) which gets you to wherever you want to go in Singapore. With a population of 6 million people on a tiny island, this type of transportation is a necessity! 

Our first stop was the Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which we missed on our first trip to this fabulous city. The gardens are vast, and I'm not sure if we got to all four corners, but it was enough for sure! If you are a plant enthusiast, this is the place you'll adore and embrace! WOW! Is all I can say!

                                           Turtles galore...and otters as well.

                                    A monitor lizard

                                       A hairy flower! Totally weird!

And the beautiful orchid! My Grandmother's favourite. When we got married, my grandmother was adamant that my bouquet should be made of orchids! So orchids it was, and she personally made me my bouquet, and the bouquets of my bridesmaids! These exotic flowers have since held a special place in my heart! 


                                            What a lovely place this is to visit!


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