Friday 17 March 2023

Little India, Singapore

Our first night in Singapore, we ate in Chinatown at the food court, which has tons of options, actually too many to choose from, but we did settle on a noodle and wonton soup. It was such a huge bowl that I could only eat half of it. And, of course we drank Tiger beer. I was exhausted from the long flight over the Pacific Ocean and forgot to take my camera! Alas, there are no pictures of Chinatown!!

Our second night, we opted for a meal in Little India. We ordered chicken masala, rice and paan. Our meal was very tasty and filling.


                The market here is every bit as good as the market in Zihuatanjeno, Mexico.

                                      Little India food court

                                        Our meal

 The naan bread is cooking. There are balls of dough waiting to be flattened by hand and then slapped to the side of this large cooking vessel. Hoss chose the cheese flavoured naan, I opted for the garlic.

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