Friday 17 March 2023

The Big Bus Sites in Singapore

The Big Bus is a hop-on-hop-off vehicle. Customers have two options, the red line, or the yellow line. Because we went on the red line on our previous trip to Singapore, we bought tickets for the yellow line. We often take these buses on arrival in a new location because it gives us a quick overview of the city, and we can hop off and on to explore something of interest to us. 

                                       This ride is called the Singapore Flyer

          This fabulous hotel is the Marina Bay Sands. Maybe we'll stay here one day! It's frightfully expensive!

These structures are solar-powered super trees located at Gardens by the Bay. This imposing canopy varies between 25 to 50 meters high. The man-made mechanical forest is a vertical garden, generating solar power, acting as air venting ducts for nearby conservatories, and also collects rain water.

The four legs of this statue represents the cultural heritage of Singapore being Chinese, Malay, Indian, and multicuture.

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