Sunday 17 January 2016


Every bay we go to seems to have a beautiful yacht.  I often wonder....who owns the they cruise the world..... must have children, look at the slide.... what do they like to cook, fresh catch of the day.... where is their land of origin.... have they given it all up for a boat.... are they concerned at times about pirates, I know I would be... or maybe they are wealthy and are out for a weekend!  I have read different blogs about people who travel the world by boat.  It seems like a different life, one that makes you introspective, and makes you realize things about yourself you didn't know, and may not like, or are truly surprised that you had that much guts!  Travel is a good way to discover yourself.  It makes you change your habits, look at life differently, builds tolerance, and it makes you slow down enough to appreciate the very moment you are in.  No matter how you travel, short or long, budget or luxury, it is a good way to step out of the box!

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