Monday 11 January 2016


At Yaya Residence, where we are staying, a massage clinic shares the other half of the building.  Both places share the common area in the front where we sit and have our breakfast in the morning, or beers in the afternoon.  I decided to go for an oil massage because I was feeling so stiff and tight, so for $8 I got a 1 hour massage by Boney Fingers!!  I have been for massages before where I have experienced a bit of pain, but nothing to this degree!!  I had to make lion faces and silent screams into the towel while I was on my front!!  But, when she made my turn onto my back I couldn't hide the fact that this was a painful experience.  I practised my deep breathing yoga exercises to try and endure the procedure, but I ended up showing Boney Fingers my silent, screaming, lion face!!!  She said I was too tight and should come back for another session!  Yikes!!  All was great when it ended!  I left the place feeling limber and well!!  Thank you kindly Boney Fingers!!

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