Sunday 17 January 2016

Take The Picture!

The first time I saw them I couldn't bring myself to take the  picture.  I looked into the face of a woman who saw me, and I think we both wondered about each others lives.  To take that picture at that moment seemed to say something ugly, exploiting their life.  So I thought about it for several days, pondering the pros and cons, and decided I would take the picture.  This image I saw reminded me of the the people in boats escaping from the horrors of Syria.  But these people are much better off, they are labourers being transported to and from work in the back of a gravel truck, only there are too many people for the size of the truck.  They are crammed in, exhausted, and filthy.  As they pass by they witness holidaying people from different cultures, young and old enjoying themselves, walking about the streets, having a meal, or a drink.  These people look worn down by life, going home to a life of poverty, no escape, not even for their children.  It makes me feel bad that life for them is so hard.  I have so much to be  grateful for, and wonder about the joy they have in their life.  I remember what it was like when I came home from work  exhausted and having to care for children and a household.  I ordered pizza or warmed up leftovers because I was too tired to cook, threw laundry into my automatic washing machine and dryer, cuddled with our boys while reading to them in the comfort and security of our home. I cannot imagine what life is like for these women.  By the time I decided to take the picture it was too late, the opportunity had passed.  I couldn't get the picture I wanted, the truck always passed by too quickly, never slowing.  So, the only picture available to take was of a smaller truck. 

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