Sunday 3 January 2016

Courtyard Marriott Bangkok

Our trip from Regina to Bangkok was around 30 hours long, which wasn't too bad.  We have had longer travel times! We made our way out of immigration, grabbed our luggage, and left the airport by skytrain or BTS as it is called in Bangkok.  We got off at Mo Chit, an area of Bangkok, where our hotel was located!  We were supposedly very close to the Courtyard Marriott but do you think we could find it.  We were exhausted, weak, lugging around our backpacks, and by this time they felt like they weighed 100 pounds.  The street was kaotic, the air was hot, my patience short!!  After a couple of blocks of not knowing where we were going we decided to take a tuk tuk to our hotel.  A tuk tuk is a small vehicle powered by a small motorbike.  The sitting area for customers is placed right over top of the motorbike, and you sit behind the driver, kind of like a modernized rickshaw.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture, because of my mood!!  The driver made a u-turn, and booted it down the street, dodging traffic, and leaving my already taxed nervous system frazzled!  In a few short minutes he pulled up to our hotel.  Now, you are probably wondering what the heck budget travelers are doing at a Marriott?!  Well, my ingenious husband, who is always scouring the internet for deals on travel, insurance, flights, accommodations, gas prices, restaurants..... I could go on and on and on, got a new credit card that allows us free stays at the fancy, schmancy Marriott once a year.  So, knowing how we would feel after our long flight, and crossing over the international dateline we decided to stay at the Courtyard Marriott in Bangkok for one night.  We were so glad we did!  The room was wonderful!  Mind you, I think by this point any type of shower, and bed would have been great! 

 Food stalls right outside the Marriott.  For those of you that are afraid to try street food, don't be.  It will be some of the most delicious food you will ever eat.  As long as the stall is busy, the food will be safe to eat.  It is always homemade and very fresh!  Yummy!!

Duhhh!!  I forgot to take a picture of our room!  It was your normal hotel room, with a king sized bed, bathroom that had a window facing the bed(but you can close the shade).  We have discovered that in the higher end hotel rooms in Asia, the bathrooms have windows facing into the room. The bathrooms are also fitted with TVs. At the lower end of the scale, we have stayed in rooms that have no window at all!!

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