Thursday 24 January 2019

Las Gatas....Again....I guess We Love It!

Another beach day at Las Gatas. With our dear, Correen, coming for a holiday to Zihua, we had to show her all the sites and locations we love. So off to Las Gatas we went! Hope she loves it as much as we do!

The water taxi...every time we ferry across on the water taxi the men on the pier who want to help you get on and off the boat, whether you want them to or not, constantly say, "Tip, tip, watch your head, watch your head."

                    Pelicans sunning themselves on the jetty.

This is a picture from a previous beach day at Las Gatas.
                      Correen...enjoying the sun, water and sand. Such a lovely way to spend an afternoon!

                          So funny...a Mexican lifejacket!

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