Sunday 27 January 2019

Isla Ixtapa

As it being Correen's first time in the Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo area we headed over to Isla Ixtapa so she could experience it. It is also a very nice beach to go to for the day and we always enjoy ourselves there. 

Whenever we go to Playa Linda to take the water taxi over to Isla Ixtapa I always take pictures of the crocodiles. This time the turtles were an added bonus.

           We always go to Varadara Beach when visiting Isla Ixtapa.

The island has two other beaches that can be easily found by following trails through the bush. This is Coral Beach, popular for snorkelers. 

 The pathway to the third beach which is a very short walk.

                                  Cuachalalate Beach

                            Views of Ixtapa from Isla Ixtapa

                                Holy Moly, Hoss has hair!

                                Pretty Yacht

 This is the restaurant we always go to when we go to Playa Veradara on Isla Ixtapa. There was a going away party for a couple from Kamloops, and they threw a party, and then a picture had to be taken.

We stayed on the island too long, and had to be taxied back to the main land by Juan's restaurant boat. Juan owns Restaunte Paraiso.

                           Playa Linda, which is next to Iztapa.

Children playing in the parking lot of Playa Linda.

This is the exact spot where we parked our motor home on the beach at Playa Linda in 1996. Wow! What a change. This place sure looks different now! Its filled with clothing and food stalls, a parking lot, huge jetty, and a sandcastle! In 1996, there was only a pier, campers, and locals enjoying the beach.

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