Thursday 31 January 2019


We took an afternoon and went to Ixtapa after our lunch at the marina. For some reason it looks different to me from 2 years ago. It looks more developed. I think there are only more clothing stalls, but the vibe still feels the same.

This is the beautiful condo complex friends of ours stayed at 2 years ago, who kindly invited us to join them. We decided to take a look around. It is still very nice and more condos have been bought since that time.

Cooling down at Charlies, sipping on a cold beer, and enjoying the view.

Correen having some fun. We might have to come back here for ribs.

The surf is quite high here, and not very good for swimming.

We had a great day in Ixtapa. We went home tired and hot. Next time we'll bring our bathing suit!

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