Tuesday 8 January 2019

Isla Ixtapa

Plans were made to spend the afternoon at Isla Ixtapa. Claude, Lynne, Hoss, and I jumped on a collectivo, which is a beater bus, that delivered us to Playa Linda. On our way to the jetty, we took a look at the crocodiles that live in the small stream, reminiscing about the time we camped on this beach before all the development happened. What a change since 1996. We bought our ferry tickets, headed over to the island on a small boat, found the restaurant called Paraiso Escondido on Baradara Beach, and settled in. We had a glorious afternoon. I did find the water cooler here than in Zihua Bay. I think there is more water exchange here.

Mexican safety at its best! I can see some things haven't changed since 1996!

                              This is where we are going...Isla Ixtapa.

                                 Playa Linda jetty
                                         Lynn waiting in line for our ferry.

           Our destination...Playa Barradarra on Isla Ixtapa

 Paraiso Escondido is a great restaurant, warm hospitality, good food, cold beers. It also helps when you know the owner!


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