Friday 9 December 2016


We ate lunch at a restaurant called Santa Prisco which serves pozole every Thursday.  Pozole is a traditional soup or stew which once had ritual significance.  It is made from hominy (which consists of dried maize kernels that have been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization),  meat, either chicken or pork, and can be seasoned and garnished with shredded cabbage, chili peppers, onion, radishes, avocado, salsa, and limes.  The restaurant was very busy and long lineups occurred with people waiting to be seated.  A live band played as people ate, and enjoyed the merriment.  We ordered the pozole, and a plate of tamales.  The food was delicious and extremely filling!

                                          Pozole verde

                                           Pazole rojo

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