Friday 30 December 2016

Italy in the World...vino e delicatezza...

Not knowing where to go for supper, we meandered through the streets of Oranjestad, window shopping and checking out restaurants.  We finally happened to come upon a small building that looked very interesting.  It was a small Italian restaurant...Italy in the World.. that also sold vine and food.  Looking curiously inside, the owner spied us, and led us to a table that we gratefully accepted!  The restaurant was very small and the owner warned us that we may have to wait a bit for our meal, and were we fine with that.  We ordered a glass of house red where the grapes for that wine are grown in the northern part of Italy.  Delicious!!  We were very happy the meal took awhile to come, because we started talking to a couple of interesting gentlemen next to us who shared travel stories of their lives.  They have both been all over the world many times over.  They now live in Aruba and happen to be neighbours who went out for a nice meal together.

                      Here is a portion of the old wall before updates to the building happened.
                                        The interesting gentlemen.
This building we had supper in used to be part of the fort that is across the street. It was used as the officers quarters. It is the white building on the left side of the photograph.  This area looks vastly different now!

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