Thursday 8 December 2016

Isla Ixtapa

Our good friends, Claude and Lynn, have been in Zihuatanejo since the beginning of November.  We made a plan to meet them at Isla Ixtapa.  We grabbed a local bus, that had a corny, creepy entertainer trying his attempt at some magic tricks that included fire...on a bus!!  Yikes!!  Anyways, we got to Playa Linda without mishap, paid for a water taxi, and headed over to the island.  We easily found Claude and Lynn sitting in front of Johnny's beach bar.  We had a wonderful afternoon of story exchanges and laughter.  Juan, the owner of the beach bar, was a wonderful host, and provided water and land transportation for us at the end of the afternoon.  All seven of us, Marie, Randy, Claude, Lynn, Juan and us headed back to the condo where our merriment continued.  What a great day!

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