Thursday 8 December 2016

Bad, Bad, Mr. Crocodile!!

One morning, while having a coffee and chatting on the balcony we got to view a National Geographic moment.  There is a tree right across from our balcony that is home to nearly a dozen, large iguanas that we have enjoyed watching.  I spotted one of the iguanas swimming in the canal a short distant from its tree, and then out from the shadowy banks came a large crocodile.  The iguana frantically aware of its situation, desperately made its awkward swim towards the banks of the canal and clambered up a bush to escape the jaws of the crocodile.  Unfortunately, the successful escape for the iguana was short lived.  The crocodile was patient... occasionally making a grab for the iguana, and with a final aggressive attack was able to capture its prey in its powerful jaws.  It was a horrifying event to witness as we were cheering for the poor, frightened iguana.  But, I guess that is nature... cruel, beautiful, and wondrous all at the same time!

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