Friday 9 December 2016

Las Gatas, Zihuatanejo

Las Gatas is a beautiful beach in Zihuatanejo that is only accessed by water taxi.  We made prior arrangements to meet up with Marie's double sister in law, Rose, and her two sisters Terry and Joanne.  After making our way to Zihuatanejo from Ixtapa by bus, it was a short 4 to 5 block walk to Playa Municipal where you buy your tickets at the dock to catch a boat to cross the bay to get to Las Gatas.  We met Claude and Lynn at a beach bar called Arnoldo's where they were holding down the fort waiting for us.  We set up a large table to accommodate us and spent the rest of the day basking in the sun and water, eating delicious food from the restaurant, and keeping hydrated with a few cool ones!  We had a wonderful day with great people, at a great location!!

                                           The water taxi to Las Gatas.

                                          Approaching Las Gatas.

                                          Disembarkment from the water taxi.

                                         Water view from Las Gatas shore.

                                         The beautiful beach of Las Gatas and my beautiful girlfriend, Marie.

                                         A beautiful picture of my girlfriend, Lynn!

                                          A feast for all at Arnoldo's beach bar, Las Gatas!

                                          The water at Las Gatas is fantastic!  Warm and calm!

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