Monday 12 December 2016


Central is an area of Zihuatanejo that Claude and Lynne have introduced us to.  There are many restaurants, bars, accommodations, tons of shopping, and we even found the movie theater!  Through Claude and Lynne we have been introduced to a few locals that are business owners.  It is loads of fun to sit around on chairs on the sidewalk, visiting and people watching.  After an afternoon of sun and beach we stopped in at a small corner bar in Central called The Flophouse for a beer.  A couple of parades walked by celebrating a popular Catholic festival called Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe.  The celebration is based on a belief that a man encountered the Virgin Mary, Mexico's patron saint, in Mexico City on December 9 and 12, 1531.  Public celebrations, or fiestas are held in honour of Mary, The Virgin of Guadalupe.  Children are dressed in traditional costumes and are blessed in churches.  Thousands of people come to church to pray.

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