Friday 15 April 2016

Two More Legs!

The third leg of our trip home ended in Vancouver were we spent one night in the downtown area.  We were tired after our trip over the Pacific Ocean and laid low.  We rested, went out for dinner, got some exercise by walking around, then went back to our hotel room to get some rest.  The next day, the fourth leg of our journey, we flew into Regina where we were greeted by Hoss's Dad.  He so kindly agreed to pick us up at the airport, and after a short visit, he delivered us to the bus depot where we finally made the last leg of our journey to Melville.  Tim and Kim Ziola kindly picked us up and took us to our house.  We are forever grateful for their kindness, for picking up where Addison left off (he went to Saskatoon for 2 months to go to Millwright school), for snow removal from our gigantic driveway, for picking up mail, and watering plants, checking the house, and I think Kim even dusted a bit!!  We are truly blessed to have Kim and Tim in our lives, and soon they will become family!!  I am so excited for our kids' wedding this summer!

Well, that is a rap for our 2016 travel adventures!! Now the question is...where to next year???

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