Friday 15 April 2016

Second Leg....Hong Kong!

Day One of Hong Kong!

The second leg of our trip took us to Hong Kong where we spent 2 nights at the Marriott.  We had 2 days to explore this vibrant, cosmopolitan city.

The view across from our hotel.
 Lots of trolleys!
 And lots of interesting shops....and I have no idea what they are selling!!

 I found it shocking that people just sit anywhere to visit, rest, eat and play cards!!
 This escalator runs for about 800m, but not in one continuous shot, it is segmented.

 A mosque.  A passionate muslim got a hold of us and gave us a briefing(which wasn't brief at all) about his religion.  We had to break into his rant to thank him and say goodbye!  Yikes!!
 I was surprised by how much greenery Hong Kong actually had!
 We took the tram up the mountain and got a fantastic view of the city!

 A gigantic Apple Store...3 floors!!
 The area around the harbour.

 A lovely junk cruised up and down the waterway of the harbour in the early evening.

 This trolley bus that can be rented for any social function.  Party revelers were having a lot of fun!

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