Sunday 2 March 2014

Hola Mexico

Our lazy days of sunning, reading, beach walking, shell collecting, hammock sleeping, and sheer lazing around are over!  Our stay in Panama was wonderfully relaxing after all our traipsing throughout Ecuador and Peru.  It was great to set the backpacks in the corner, and make our own coffee every morning, and  own our own schedule.

We landed in Cancun, rented a car, drove to Playa Del Carmen, located our condo, and settled in.

The next day we met up with friends on the beach, and enjoyed a few brewskies!!  The weather is great, and the water is beautiful in this part of the world!  You can't go wrong with Mexico, it's always been a favourite of mine...not to mention the food!!
                                           Our condo.


                                          Fun times with good friends!!

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