Thursday 27 February 2014


We needed to get an early start to the day because Addison and Kelsey's flight was at 9:50 AM.  We are about 120 km away from the airport, and because of its location you need to drive to the opposite end of the city, so we thought a 6:00 am departure time from the house would give us plenty of time.  But, that was not to be!  Traffic started getting slow and heavy well outside of Panama City.  It slowed down our progress, but we moved along at a slower pace, and did not have too much worry.  Traffic would occasionally speed up which eased our minds.  Now, you need to know that the signage in Panama City is minimal, and the signs that are there are poorly placed, and easily missed until too late.  Following my GPS on my phone helped somewhat, until you came to spaghetti junctions.  The way roadways are organized in this country differ vastly from those back home.  They don't seem to make a lot sense most of the time.  It was at one of these junctions that we made a wrong turn.  With our anxiety already peeking, tempers now flared between Hoss and me.  Kelsey sat silent, but cool, calm Addison took control with a level head, asked for my phone, and found the right way to get back on track!!  But, by now the clock was ticking big time!!  We almost believed the kids would miss their flight!  The road was now clear, and free for awhile, until we hit more traffic, and construction.  We were close to the airport, but moved a what seemed like a snail's pace!  Finally, finally, finally we turned into the airport with only about 45 minutes to spare.  The doors of the car flew open, we dashed in, and was much relieved to see a lineup for their flight.  With goodbyes quickly said, they were on their way home.  It was wonderful to have them with us for  ten days, and we were very sad to see them go! We now look forward to our next vacation with them!!

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