Sunday 9 February 2014

Shower Mate

The other day, while I was having a shower, I decided to open the screened window in our shower, to let out some of the humidity.  I left it open because Hoss was showering    immediately after me.  He shortly came dashing out of the shower, emphatically saying," You got to get a picture of this!"  Now, me being a snake hater thought maybe this was something I should avoid, but it turned out to be an angry wet scorpion, which tried to attack Hoss a couple of times in the shower.  It was a little guy, about 6-7cm long, and we have no idea where it came from.  Now, needless to say I'm a bit freaked out everytime I shower, and I am a lot more careful digging into boxes and containers that are in the house.  I did take the scorpion's picture, but I'm having trouble loading the camera pictures on to my blog.  The tablet has less capabities than our laptop.  Happy to report the house has been rid of one scorpion due to a slaying.

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