Wednesday 26 February 2014

Palmar Surfing Beach

Our last day in Panama with Addison and Kelsey was spent touring around.  We took them to Rio Chame.  Locals like to hang out there on their days off.  We found the river to be lower than two years ago.  We then drove to Palmar, where there is a surf school, to hang out for the rest of the afternoon.

                                        Rio Chame is a nice quiet, shady place to picnic and relax.

                                          Palmar beach, a surfing destination for beginners.

                                         We found this nice beach to relax in, until the guy came around and wanted $40
                                         for its privileges.  Adios Senor!!
                                          Had a bite to eat at the Palmar restaurant.

                                          Found a free spot to hangout and relax.

                                          Beach antics.
                                          Our last beach picture:(

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