Wednesday 19 February 2014

Latin American Iron Man Contest

We had to make a trip into Panama City to pick up our son Addison, and his girlfriend, Kelsey from the airport the other day.  We made arrangements to also tour the Panama Canal, so a hotel and tour was booked ahead of time.  We went to the city with plenty of time to spare because of traffic, unfamiliarity to the area, and to check out where the tour departs from on the Amador Causeway,  and to find and check into our hotel.  Traffic was backed up and tons of people were milling about because of the triathalon being held in the city that day.  It was a curious thing to watch with runners coming in, in all stages of exhaustion!  We parked the car and had to take a look!

                                          Street food being sold at the race entrance.

                                          The finish line.

                                          The reward!

                                           A couple of pools to cool down in if needed!

                                          The medic tent, if needed!! IVs and wet towels!
                                          Now for some food, drinks, and merriment!!

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