Wednesday 12 March 2014


We stopped at a small market for fruits and vegetables on the other side of the highway from Puerto Morelos.  Hoss went snooping across the street, and found to our delight, a small rambled shack which housed a women cooking chickens.  She had a few tables set up for guests so we stayed for lunch, which I consider, one of Mexico's (out of many) best meals. Two chickens were ordered for the 4 of us, accompanied by a plate full of tortillas, bowls of sauces, and separate dishes of chopped cabbage, onion, rice, and beans.  The restaurant owner saw our fruit, and asked if she could cut it up for us, and also ran across the street to get me agua de coco(coconut water).  To me it seems like the more you pay the less you get.  It held true for this experience.  A very inexpensive meal, and you get the royal treatment, by someone who is proud of their work!!

                                       Thank you little lady!!   Your chicken shack will be on our
                                        list of recommendations!!

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