Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Beaching It Maui Style

One of the first beaches we hit, other than the one in front of our place, had us watching whales that were having some fun.  They flipped and flapped and splashed and spouted, creating an audience on shore!!  My camera isn't specialized enough to get those kind of awesome pictures.

                                          This is the park in front of the beach we were at.


Our time in Oahu is over, and our next flight took us to Maui.  Our hotel is in Kehei, right on the beach.  The weather started off cloudy, but warm.  After a couple of days it smartened up, and the sun came out, heating things up considerably.  Kehei is very quiet, and we like it very much.  There are people on the beaches, in restaurants and bars, but nothing is overcrowded.  At night you don't hear the constant noise of busy traffic, or loud parties.  It's very much like what we are used to back home, but of course with better temperatures!!

                                         This is the beach in front of our hotel.

                                          look closely, you can see Hoss sitting on a lounger!
                                          An egret entertains us each time we go to the beach,
                                           in front of our hotel.

                                          The road behind our hotel.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

The North Shore of Oahu

The North Shore of Oahu is where the monster waves happen.  Extreme surfing happens here and only the best dare this activity!!  The day we were there the waves were big, the biggest I have ever seen, but not the biggest the locals have ever seen!!  We laid down our sarongs and enjoyed the beach, sun, waves and surfing.  The sand has these little, flat, seashells that stick to your body, clinging steadfast even after a shower.  Pre-adolescence children walk confidently into the spray of the ocean carrying their smaller sized boards, eager to become accomplished surfers.  I, on the other hand, am leery to enter the water of the shoreline, fearing the sweep of the rip-tide!!  I have always loved watching surfing, and any surfing movie that happens to be on TV you'll find me watching it!!!  So, I was blissfully in heaven, this fine afternoon, watching a sport that seems so me so distant and exotic, from any of the sports I have experienced!!!

                                          An example of homes that line the beach.

                                         This is the lane that is behind the beach homes were
                                           you can park.  The highway is to the left of this picture.

Oahu Coastline

We took a trip the the North Shore, but along the way I couldn't help but snap a few shots of this very pretty island!!!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor was a very interesting place to see. I think I took about 1000 pictures, but will only post a few.  I know very little about war, so I hope the photos I chose aren't too much of a disappointment.  I have never been on a submarine, and thought it would be a lot more cramped.  We were told that it was quite warm for the men who worked on the sub, and sweat constantly dripped from their bodies(reminds me of Thailand!!).  We also toured the USS Missouri nicknamed Old Mo.

When we flew into Honolulu we got a great visual of Pearl Harbor.  It's much larger than I imagined!

                                          The grounds at Pearl Harbor.

                                            The submarine we visited.

                                         USS Missouri aka Old Mo

                                             I was mainly interested in the kitchen, and sleeping

                                         The deck is made of teak wood.

I had some picture of the ship's bridge, but they turned out pretty dark.