Friday 24 February 2017

Road Trip

Playa del Coco seemed like a good place to go for the day, so we hopped in the car and drove northwards towards that location.  Of course the roads in Costa Rica are not always first world, heck, the roads in Saskatchewan aren't always first world(there are just too many darn roads in Skratch to keep maintained!!).  It certainly keeps the trip interesting!!  We had loads of fun!

The highway seems to always start off pretty good, and after  awhile it turns into a dirt road that gets rougher with each kilometer, and then you come across a small river.  This has happened to us before in Costa Rica when we were with Norm and Marie Soulsby when we drove to Samara, but the water crossing was wider and a bit deeper!!  It always a "yikes" moment!

In Playa del Coco, Wanda bought a delicious mango snack from a vendor on the street.

                                    Wanda got the works, with 3 different hot sauces and spices.

                                            A small promenade in Playa del Coco.

                                             Off to cool down with a couple of cool ones!
                                           A fun time at Zi Lounge.

                                           We stopped at this roadside restaurant....
 ... and Hoss and Gerry had a shot of tequila that was hot...not spicey hot, but temperature hot from the bottle just sitting on the shelf in the bar!  Too funny!!

                                      The roadside restaurant had funky looking chickens!

                                             This one's a beauty!

                                            Young mangoes.

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