Thursday 2 February 2017

Golf Course Wildlife

Tom, our host, told us about the wildlife living in the pond at the golf course, so of course we had to take a look.  As soon as we arrived and got out of the car, the turtles, and caimans, came over to us.  I think someone has been feeding them!!  I counted at least 15 turtles, and about 8 caiman.

 The caiman has a menacing look, with its long snout, beady, yellow eyes with its sideways eyelids.  They seem to be the more aggressive than alligators or crocodiles.  They are small but fiesty, and travels in packs.  If you see one, there will be others!

Wild Facts!  Distinguishing between the caiman, an alligator, and a crocodile can be sometimes tricky!  But the easiest way is to check out its snout.  A caiman snout will have a rounded nose, oversized upper jaw, with many dagger-like teeth showing, and the inside of the mouth is orangish in colour.  An alligator will have a rounded nose, with a slight overbite, conical shaped teeth, and the inside of its mouth is beige in colour.  A crocodile has a v-shaped nose, no overbite, dagger-shaped teeth, a prominent bottom 4th tooth, and the inside colour of its mouth is orangish.  

 Caimans and turtles together.  The turtles don't seem to mind this carnivorous creatures!!  I guess they are too crunchy for caimans!

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