Monday 18 April 2022


The next small town we stayed in was Pemberton, which lies in the valley surrounded by karri forest, lush green pastures and acres of rolling vineyards, and is said to be the most visited town in WA. 

We stayed in a beautiful little motel called the Karri Forest Motel. We loved it here!

                                          This is the view from our balcony.

 Pemberton is charming with all its small wooden houses.

                                      What a beautiful swimming pool!

                     Beautiful little wooden houses that owners have meticulously kept up!

                                And...another favourite of mine.....the kookaburra!

Pemberton offers tram rides that goes to the Cascades and back, running a total time of 1.5 hours long. We would have rode the tram but it was sold out due to the busy Easter holidays.

                                             The tram station

And a historical old train, which looks like a toy compared to the huge engines of present day.

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