Friday 8 April 2022


As a family consisting of two parents, one 10 month old, two sets of grandparents, and one dog, it was decided to go on a get away three hours south to the community of Margaret River, affectionately known as Margs. Two vehicles were packed to the nuts with suitcases and food and off we drove making our first stop at the Bunbury Farmers Market. I think I want to move here! What a glorious market!!

This market is amazing! It has every fresh vegetable and fruit grown in WA. There are perserves, honey, bread items, meats, eggs, milk, yogurts, cheeses of every type, nuts of every kind, candies, dried fruit, ready made soups, pizzas, salads, fresh sushi, curries, pasta dishes, a variety of desserts, fresh cut flowers and plants, and much more! I could spend hours in this joint! And, I finally found an Australian coffee I like,(because I never know what to order)'s called a flat white...quite delicious!

 We'll be back!!

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