Monday 18 April 2022

National Anzac Center

During our stay in Denmark, we took a side trip to the small city of Albany, that's only about 30 minutes east of Denmark, to visit the war museum. It was extremely interesting and informative. With the purchase of a ticket you assumed the identity of an actual service man or woman, and follow their experience of the Great War. Their stories start with recruitment and continue through training and commencement of life on conveys and conflicts of WW1. There were many other informative exhibits to the museum but my favourite was watching the short documentaries of a variety people who were in the war. Their stories were amazing, and I wish I could have watched all 100 0f them!

Outside of the museum we took in a tour of the grounds that was lead by an Aussie woman named Wendy, who was a wealth of knowledge. 

What a great museum! 


                                                Wash basins in the barracks

                                       The barracks kitchen

                                      A view from the fort
                                         Big guns

                          (Please ignore the shrunken pictures. I couldn't seen to delete them)

                                               More footpaths to bunkers

                                       This floor is made out of jarra wood, which was made to be spark proof which was needed, because the soldiers put small nails into their boots to make them last longer. There is a lot of ammunition in this building!

                                          A bunker

                                         A footpath to a bunker

This was the hospital until the bikies burnt it down. Bikies are outlaw motorcycle gangs.

                                        The married barracks

The Rose Garden was planted in honor of all the women who had to step up to the plate and fill in when the men went off to war.
                                         Wendy, our knowledgeable tour guide

I have always referred to this flag as the Union Jack. But in Canada, it's actually called the Royal Union Flag, and in Australia it's the Union Flag, and when it flies on a ship it's called the Union Jack.
I loved this beautiful crocheted bouquet of flowers that greeted people coming into the museum.
                                            Albany lies on the Southern Ocean.

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