Thursday 14 April 2022

Denmark...the Town, not the Country!

Denmark turned out to be a lovely little town. It was bustling during the day, but soon as 5pm hit, it quieted right down, with not too many places open for meals. Luckily for us, our small motel had a restaurant and tavern, and around the corner was a delicious pizza restaurant that only offered take away.

Denmark sits on Wilson Inlet that is on the Southern Ocean. The inlet narrows to what looks like a small river, but it isn't. The narrowed end of the inlet ends at the the bridge we drove over to enter the town. There is a beautiful walking trail the edges both sides of this narrowing part of the inlet.


These beautiful white pelicans are at least twice the size of our white pelicans back home. They love to hang out with the fishermen as they bring their catch to shore hoping for a free meal.

There are a couple of rope swings that are used by kids to swing and drop into the water. It was much too cool for me to go swimming, but the kids certainly didn't mind as they squealed with joy while dropping from the rope and landing in the water.

This little house is one of many that dot the trail. Children follow a map and are delighted when they discover each little house.

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